Friday, July 31, 2009


I'm out of pain! YIPPPEEEE!!!!!! I emailed my Dr. again and she adjusted a few more things with my medication and it worked! I am still a little out of it but my friend is picking me up and taking me home from work so that I don't drive until I adjust to the meds. Which is extremely above and beyond nice of her. Now I can chew again and eat! I love eating!!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


YEEAAA!!! My Dr. e-mailed me at 5 Monday morning and told me to increase some of my meds to help the trigeminal. So I did what she said.

Eureka!!! Finally the right cocktail of drugs to relieve the pain!!!! YAHOO!!! Except, I am dizzy and my body feels fuzzy. Like when you go to the dentist and get nitrous oxide. I feel like that all day long. Which is kinda cool except I am at work and I have to drive home. Not good!

She also told me to go back to my original dose if I experience any side effects. Damn! Well, I did this today and I am back to the pain. Help! Somehow, you get used to the pain so when it subsides and then comes back it seems worse. What the H am I gonna do now???

Friday, July 24, 2009


So it is now Friday and I truly am miserable. I am in so much pain. My neurologist upped my Tegretol and gave me a prescription for Baclofen and I am already on Neurontin. Nothings working. My tegretol ALWAYS helped the pain in the past. My neurologist wanted me to e-mail her last night to update her on my status. I am just waiting to hear back from her. I have no idea what could be next. She has to do something because I want to go to the hospital and ask them to knock me out for a week or two. I wonder if they would do that? Now that it I say it out loud, it really sounds like a good idea. Maybe I'll propose it to my Dr.

My husband has been researching all kinds of treatments. I have been calling him House because he seems to know more about this than me lately. He found this Gamma Knife thing that is a radiation treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia and a bunch of other things and they do it right in the hospital that my neurologist works from. Maybe she'll know about this. Well see I guess.

Well, I am going to go read. It seems that if I can get myself absorbed in some fiction world I can somewhat ignoe the pain and I feel temporarily better.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I had my wisdom teeth out and now I am in excruciating pain 6 days later. I have been since Saturday. It is horrible. I went back to the oral surgeon thinking I had dry socket or something and he says - "Everything looks great, good color, healing nicely. I removed a couple of stitches that hadn't dissolved yet you are probably having a reaction to the stitches. I flushed the area. You should feel better in 20 minutes or so." Well, I DO NOT feel better 8 hours later. So I am pretty sure this is my trigeminal neuralgia. This is the worst pain ever. I had this pain when I was first diagnosed with MS. I had forgotten how much it sucked. I guess I must have blocked it out because this pain is unforgettable. I am miserable and unable to eat or sleep or anything!!!!!! I have e-mailed my neurologist so we'll see what happens. Let's hope for a quick fix.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My wisdom teeth are gone. I look like a chipmunk. My face is so swollen and it hurts. I guess it was a bad idea to add pain to my current state of horribleness. I AM a glutton for punishment. It is official. What was I thinking. I even went to work today. I am so swamped at work I had to go. Everyone was wondering what I was doing there. I guess I must have looked really crappy.

When I was at the dentist on Tuesday my neurologists office called and said the DR. wanted to see my Friday at 8am. WOOOHOOOO! I'm sure she will make me all better. At least she'll figure out what is going on with me. Can't wait!

Monday, July 13, 2009


The vacation is over. I went back to work today. Not that it was much of a vacation since I basically slept through it and felt yucky the whole time. I'm feeling a bit better. At least I am able to stay conscious for hours at a time and function.

I actually missed being at work. The activity, the people. I always think that I want to quit working and stay at home but then I have time off and realize that I really don't. Besides, I have great insurance and that is so important!

I get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. Yippee!! As if I didn't feel bad enough. I swear I am a glutton for punishment. I have been waiting so long though. I just want to get it over with. I'll give an update of how goes.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

SLEEPING IN TORONTO! and ever since

I haven't written lately because I have literally been asleep. I finished with my last steroid treatment last Friday just in time for a trip to Toronto with my husband for my birthday! I was very excited! We haven't seen enough of each other lately. Well, I made it up there on Saturday and then Sunday morning we went to The Hockey Hall of Fame but after that I was asleep. I slept from like 2 Sunday Afternoon through to 10 Monday morning. My poor husband was left alone to hang out in the hotel while I napped. Then we drove home and I slept through that and I have pretty much been sleeping ever since. Is this a steroid crash? I have had steroids 3 other times and have never been affected like this. Is there something else going on with me? It is now Thursday and I have slept at least 18 out of 24hours a day everyday this week. This is so unlike me. I am not a sleeper like this. I have everything I can do to stay awake. I am so tired that I just really don't feel good. I tried to e-mail my Dr. but she is on vacation until the 14th and I really haven't been awake enough to get a hold of anyone else. I am very glad that I took this week off from work so I didn't have to feel guilty for all of this sleeping or for calling in sick to work because I know that there is no way I would have made it into work feeling like this. I am forcing my self awake right now because I need to go to the store to get some floor cleaner and a few other things I have not gotten all week that are on my list of things to do. This is a horrible feeling. I had huge plans for this week off and I haven't accomplished anything.