Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Fair!

The NYS Fair is coming. It starts tomorrow. I love the fair. I am hoping to go on a cool night so I can just "chill" and have fun. It is only like 5 miles from my house so that is a bonus too.

It seems though that I always used to have much more fun at the fair than I do now. Maybe it is because of the drinking that used to be done but I hate to think that alcohol would make it more fun. I mean, I'm fun and I don't need to drink to be fun or have fun. Who knows. I still love the fair.

I always have a list of food I want to eat at the fair. First there is the Gyro (no onions). They are the best at the fair. Next is butterfly chips with vinegar and ketchup. Then is fried dough from The Villa. It is like 2 foot long strips of fried dough covered in sugar. And that is usually more than I can handle.

The above mentioned food is the reason why I will be joining Weight Watchers in a couple of weeks. Til then eat up!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Feelin Peppy!

I woke up on Saturday feeling awful. BUT, I had asked my BFF to go to lunch the night before and I really wanted to go. Well, I had a great time. We went to lunch and a couple of stores. I had forgotten how much fun I have with her. I have realized that I need to get my head out of my butt get back out there and do stuff.

When I feel bad I hibernate. NOT GOOD!!!!! I need to stop this behavior, It's bringin me down. I'm generally a peppy person but lately I have been melancholy and monotone. I need to brighten up . So I am going to pop a provigil and have at it!!!!

P.S. Provigil is a wonder drug. It makes me talk a mile a minute and gets me through tough, tired times. I love it!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

FYI: feeling good rocks!

I've had a few good days lately. Feeling pretty good and not nearly as tired. I think I forgot what it felt like to feel good. FYI: Feeling good rocks! It has been so long since I have felt good that when I do feel good I am like a crazy person running around doing everything, kind of scattered, jumping from one chore to the next. Ultimately I end up doing too much, making myself tired but Hey, at least I got done what I got done. I think I have even been talking faster(if that is possible).

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Yesterday was my mom's birthday!!! YAY MOM!!! She turned sixty. She requested to go to the casino. We go like twice a year, my mom and I lose, my sister usually wins and then we leave. We also went to The Inner Harbor in the evening for a free concert, The Marshall Tucker Band, my brothers band opened for them so that was cool. It is also good that my mom got to see my brother play because she misses most of his gigs.

My mom leaves tomorrow which sucks because it is pretty fun having her around. I don't remember her being funny as a kid but she is hysterical! Funny how things change as we get older. I hope she moves here soon because we all miss her and want her around all the time.

Tata for now, gotta get back to work

Thursday, August 6, 2009


My mom is here visiting from Florida!!!! Hurray!!!!! She is bound and determined to take care of me. She constantly wants me to take a nap. She is so funny. You should see how clean my house is. She IS the Queen of clean! In one day she cleaned the entire house stem to stern. It shines like the top of the Chrysler Building! It is AMAZING! She rocks!

I totally overdid it on Wednesday and I am so paying for it. My husband is going to the NASCAR race in Watkins Glen. He goes every year. They always leave on Thursday and come back Sunday night. They rent a huge winnebago. I make all the food for all of them. This year there is 5 guys. There are usually 4. It was just too much for me this year. I really like to do it for my husband because he works all the time and this is his weekend to just relax and hang out with his buddies, no girls, lots of drinking. But holy crap am I wiped out!

Good thing my mom is here because she can baby me and I can sleep! I love that woman!